BURN2 Department of Public Works

Builder’s Guidelines Addendum August, 2011

The BURN2 Operations team is pleased to announce that large prims will be allowed at this year’s burn. What does this mean to you?

You may now use prims up to 64m X 64m. Prims larger than this size will not be allowed. Large prims over 10m X 10m will NOT be allowed for use in moving vehicles, flying or otherwise. Mesh physical objects won’t be allowed on playa as a 10 prim mesh object increases greatly in prim size when physical.

Older styled “megaprims” that were created prior to LL’s prim size increase, or contain phantom scripts will NOT be allowed.

Please use care in scripting or texturing large prims, as keeping texture rendering times under control is very much a priority.

If your build is  found to contain prims that do not meet the build guidelines you will be asked to be correct the issue.

As with other build issues, refusal to adjust builds to meet guidelines will result in the prims being removed.

BURN2 staff are here to help you and will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Now go build something!!