BURN2 Department of Public Works Lead

The Dept. Of Public Works leads a team that builds and maintains the basic event infrastructure of city and terrain infrastructure of the BURN2 event. The DPW Lead should expect to have about 2-3 months to prepare for the event which occurs in mid October.

The BURN2 event consists of approximately 34 regions floated only for the event season, and four regions are built and maintained cooperatively by the entire BURN2 team year-round for various community projects.


The DPW Lead should be thoroughly familiar with the Aesthetics of Burning Man, preferably having attended a Burning Man event. The DPW Lead should be familiar with prior BURN2 events, preferably having participated in or staffed at least one BURN2 event to understand and be able to articulate the Burning Man aesthetic in BURN2.The Lead will hold the vision of the Ten Principles of Burning Man for their team, their process, and their work, and will be a passionate advocate for creating a fantastic event in Second Life.

The DPW Lead should have prior experience in managing estate regions of the size and scope of BURN2, i.e. 30 + sims from 2009 and be thoroughly familiar with all Land Management tools and practices.

The DPW Lead should have worked with Linden Lab groups in the past as well as with Lab Events staff, or worked large Second Life events in a leadership role. The Lead should have significant experience in team managed and led projects. While the Lead will have significant autonomy, they will treat the Management team, Peer Leads, and the Event Attendees as customers for DPW work. The Lead will always be ready to contribute views and unique perspectives to Linden Labs and The Management Team  in a passionate, respectful, fact based manner.

The DPW Lead and the DPW Team is responsible for:

The DPW Lead may perform tasks personally, or recruit, train and manage teams to accomplish work objectives. The DPW Lead will be part of the BURN2 Management Team that meets weekly. The DPW lead will manage the building or re-building of all key Event infrastructure for 2010 and and archiving for reuse in 2011. All basic infrastructure built by DPW teams for BURN2 are gifted to the community with adequate permissions to ensure it’s re-use over time.

Simulator and Land Configuration:
Developing and executing on a standard for simulator configuration including all terrain, textures, permissions, parcelling of approximately 500 parcels and group assignment, media and all estate level configuration. Working in cooperation with Linden Labs the DPW lead helps to float all simulators for the event and performs post event take down. All systems for land assignment such as Kiosks will be selected, managed and deployed by DPW.

Land Allotment:
The DPW lead will select, specify and deploy all land management and assignment systems/kiosks to allow for juried art plot assignment, Land Rushes, or Plot lotteries. The DPW Lead in coordination with the Management Team will staff and support Land assignment events such as Rushes and Lotteries.

Basic Event Infrastructure Builds:
BURN2 is based on the RL event Burning Man, and it’s infrastructure is essentially a replica of what you would encounter at RL Burning Man. This standard infrastructure* includes
1. Center Camp Tent with it’s distinctive trademark design
2. City light standards known as the Grand Spires
3. Roads, (which are just dusty tracks), and the basic layout of the city.
4. The elements of Gate Road are also modeled after Burning Man, and include simple elements like traffic cones, flag fences, signs and tent-like structures.


The design aesthetic of BURN2 is that of a dry, temporary, desert camp. Structures are intimate and human-scale. “Lightweight” materials are preferred to create form and structure: fabric, lights, wood– anything that looks like it could have been trucked in and assembled in a real desert. The DPW Lead secures the teams and insures that all builds meet this aesthetic while being low prim, low lag content.

Creative Builds:
DPW will recruit build teams to create new and unique builds for two stages: Berlin and Tokyo. These are redesigned anew each year, usually but not necessarily around the theme of RL Burning Man. The DPW Lead will create a written spec for these stages that reflects the BURN2 aesthetic, then interview and choose skilled, creative builders to realize them.

The Center Camp Tent, and it’s small stage, are re-decorated each year, and the DPW Lead will hire decorators, then work with the Art Department Lead to place small art works around the perimeter.

MOOP Patrol:
“MOOP” stands for “Matter Out Of Place”. That means stray prims, lost rabbits, crashed vehicles— anything that is unnecessarily taking up precious prims. The DPW Lead will recruit (with the help of other team members) and manage a small team of MOOPers who will patrol the event site during build-out, and tactfully return said items to their owners with a polite note.

Cross Team Coordination:
The DPW lead is accountable for the infrastructure used by other teams and views them as a customer. The DPW Lead insures that Lamplighters have full control of spire lighting, Stage Managers can manage stage effects, The Man Crew can control The Man Burn, DMV can rez working physical vehicles, Rangers have specific land and estate rights to support mediation and that artists and campers have plots that are assignable, ownable for the event duration, and have the ability to self service permissions for teams and themselves for the land.

* Note that the designs listed above are trademarked property of RL Burning Man, and may not be sold in SL or RL under any circumstances.

Raven Haalan