What’s the big idea? No, tell us! You might get a camp!
We LOVE to showcase awesome art and amazing theme camps – and we still have a couple spaces available for them. If that sounds like you, send in an application ASAP. There is not much time left! Juried Art – These Parcels are curated by the BURN2 Art...Artists on the Playa: Five amazing artists invited to Burn2 (2012)
Every year we invite several artists we feel will provide incredible works to the Burn2 community. This year, we are proud to announce five very special artists we’ve invited to show their work on the virtual Playa at this year’s Burn2 event! Our 2012...Want to build something awesome? How about the Burn2 Temple?
In keeping with the Burning Man principles of gifting and participation, we’re looking for volunteers to help build this year’s Temple! More importantly, in keeping with the principle of communal effort, this year’s Temple build will be a group...Notes from the Town Hall: Parcels, Pricing, and the Theme!
For those of you who weren’t able to make it to the Town Hall meeting on the 11th of August, here’s the skinny! This year our event — the only Burning Man Regional Event that is allowed to burn the man — will be held from the 20th to 28th of...Town Hall, 11th August, 2012!
Brushing away fresh prim shavings, plans were rezzed across the work table in the twinkie, a dusty quonset hut surrounded by desert. Out spilled notecards full of ideas and textures of wonderful things yet to be. It was time to tell everyone what was to come. Come one...Welcome Home to Burn2!
Trailing a cloud of particle-based dust, a weather worn pickup truck adorned with spray paint and stick on mirrors comes to a skidding halt. Slowly, the driver emerge… a gaunt figure wearing a cowboy hat, goggles, t-shirt, a Utilikilt, and lizard skin cowboy...2012 BURN2 Plot Lottery Winners
2012-09-07 Finally you can take a breath! Yes the Lottery Winners for 2012 are announced below. This year We had more lottery plots to give away than ever before. To everyone that won a plot we give our congratulations. How about sharing the joy and invite two other...