Schedule for Breakfast on the Playa!
Here’s the schedule of events for Breakfast on the Playa, Saturday December 2nd and Sunday December 3rd … come join in! First up, races! How about Egg Races? Run while inside a giant egg, and race against other eggs! Start here:...Breakfast on the Playa!
Do you love breakfast? Do you miss the Playa? Coming up Saturday and Sunday, December 2-3, 2017, Join BURN2 and let’s whip up a… Breakfast on the Playa! Two days of music, fun and games, and breakfast-related builds. (Bacon will be involved!) Wear your...
Radical Ritual SKIN BURN! Saturday November 4th
Radical Ritual was an incredible Burn week, but it’s not over yet! When? SATURDAY, 4 November 2017 Times? 11am SLT (11.00) and 6pm SLT (18.00 – yes, we will do it twice) Where? SLURL will be given here when the check-in area is open WHAT IS SKIN BURN? Glad...
BURN2 Radical Ritual Opens Saturday 21 October
“Welcome Home!” We say to Burners and friends! The spectacle of the year is soon to begin, infused with the theme of Radical Ritual, in which you will see interpretations of every kind. “Reinventing ritual in our post post-modern world – disregarding assertions...