BURN2 2015 – Carnival of Mirrors
October 17-25, 2015
Hello Performers!
I hope you are ready to perform at BURN2 this year. Our theme is Carnival of Mirrors.
We will be doing things a little differently this year. We will have two stages and will be accepting all kinds of entertainment: the Center Camp stage and an outdoor stage near the Man, appropriately called the Man Stage. Both stages will be available for bookings almost 24 hours every day except for the hours when we have our Lamplighter processions and Burns. Avatars of all species are welcome to perform as we firmly believe in radical inclusion. We want to present the widest variety of entertainment from all over this wonderful virtual world without borders in which we live.
The Man Stage will be primarily for DJ's and some live music performers. We also welcome comedic ensembles, dance troupes, and other performance artists to present their shows here, too.
The Center Camp stage will be a little cozier and more intimate. A perfect spot for solo singers and music performers, stand-up comics, and storytellers.
Both stages will be open and available for spontaneous open mics during down times.
A self-sign up sheet is now available here.
You may sign up for any open time slot, and you can also sign up for back up if you want to play a specific time that is already booked, if there is a cancellation. And as I said earlier, if there is a cancellation with no back up someone will call out in Access for a fill-in, and if no one wants to do a full set at that time we can even go into open mic mode. Let's keep our stages jumping in 2015!
All performers must take an info session. There will be many opportunities for info sessions in all time zones, so please do not wait until the last minute. Info sessions will cover the 10 Principles of Burning Man and also include important information to help you, the performers, get the maximum benefits from a performance at BURN2.
For more info get in touch with d-oo-b (Eifachfilm Vacirca) or Larree Quixote. Thank you!
Larree Quixote