When: June, 7th, 2010 at 2pm EST

Where: Afterburn Art Project

I am very excited to invite you to a very special Burniversity class!

As you may have heard the suggested theme for the next Burning Life Festival will be urbanistic (similar to the Metropolis theme for Burning Man 2010).  The exact theme name will be announced during Burning Life presentation at SL7B, so stay tuned!

To prepare our artists and builders for exploring the future of cities, I decided to invite people who actually work on creating that future in real life.

Scott MInos (this is his real name)  – The Senior Policy and Communications Specialist at the U.S. Department of Energy will explain how near and far away buildings will look, what energy source we might use and most interestingly for us – he will bring some pictures and models to illustrate those technology ideas.

In a way, Scott Minos and his team are doing in Real Life what we will be doing in Second Life – trying to imagine the future of the cities and how things might look.  I believe it will be extremely interesting for us to hear what he might say!

Please, come to meet Scott Minos this Monday at 2PM EST (11 AM SLT) and bring your questions!

White Lebed, the Lead of the Art Department, the Dean of the Burniversity (see below)